
  1. Company Formation in India
  2. Starting a business in India
    1. Set up a proprietorship business
    2. Setup a Pvt. Ltd. Company in India
    3. Setup a Public Ltd. Company in India
    4. Off-the-shelf companies
    5. Setup a Partnership Firm
    6. Setup a Co-operative
    7. Setup a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) Business
    8. Setup a Limited Liability partnership
  3. Registrations
    1. Trademark
    2. Patent
    3. Copyright
    4. VAT/ Sales Tax/TIN
    5. Service Tax
    6. PAN
    7. TAN
    8. Importer Exporter Code (IEC) No.
    9. DIN
  4. Registration documents & Forms
  5. Creating a business plan
  6. Infrastructure
  7. Office in India
  8. Branch office in India
  9. Liaison office in India
  10. Virtual office in India
  11. Set up a Software Technology Park(STPI)
  12. Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
  13. Investment in India
  14. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
  15. Strategies of Foreign Investments
  16. Services to NRIs
  17. Guidance to Investors
  18. Tax consultancy in India
  19. Income Tax Consultants
  20. Sales Tax/VAT Consultants
  21. Service tax Consultants
  22. External Commercial Borrowing (ECB)